Friday, June 14, 2019

President Polk War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

President Polk War - Research Paper ExampleHowever, the president was non planning to go to war until his efforts to persuade Mexican authorities to sell the disputed territories failed. Polk decided to draft a war message and send it to the relation because he was growing tired of waiting and all the negotiations had proved futile. Yet, on May 9. 1846 Polk received the news about the attack by Mexican soldiers on US troops stationed in the disputed territory On May11, 1846, the president to address the Congress with a special message for a declaration of war (DeLay 247). Polk claimed that As war exists, and, notwithstanding all our efforts to avoid it, exists by the act of Mexico herself, we are called upon, by every consideration of duty and patriotism, to vindicate, with decision, the honor, therights, and the interests of our country (Polk).Despite the detail that Congress passed the war resolution, the war was not universally supported. Polks opponents claimed that the Presid ent and his party initiated the conflict with a weaker neighbor state not to protect the US citizens against the foreign aggression. In the opponents view, the true purpose of the war did not deal with national pride or improvement of trade relations in the region. Those who contend the war claimed that Polk and congressmen representing southern state started the war in order to expand slavery to new territories. As a northern congressman Joshua Giddings underlined apprehend that ofttimes blood and much treasure will be expended before the people of New Mexico will be compelled to unite with slave-holding Texas. Those Mexicans love freedom. They have abolished slavery

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